Monday, September 10, 2012

Spirit Song

“My Spirit has something to say.”

“I didn’t know that spirits could talk.”

“They sing, actually.”

 “Oh - what is your spirit singing about?”

 “The fact that nothing is as it seems. All is illusion.”

 “If that were true, what would be the purpose of the illusion?”

“To care for people – because they can not handle the full truth.”

“Which is…?”

“Limitless possibility.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Each moment in time at each point in space exists pure creative energy – literally anything can happen at any time in any place, and it is God that determines all outcomes.”

“You believe this? You believe that God orchestrates everything all the time?”

“No, I believe that God IS everything all the time.”

“And do our choices mean nothing, then?”

“Our choices mean everything – they are the conduit through which God’s creative energy flows or is blocked – our very will.”
“You mean that intention, or ‘will’ as you call it, creates?”

“Absolutely. Our will either facilitates or hinders God’s will from becoming the creative force of our existence.”

“That sounds like quite a song.”
