Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The sand on my feet

Reminds me I was with you

Just a short time ago,

So close that you touched me

And still my heart recalls

The way you felt,

The tears I cried at the knowledge of you

And how little I grasp.

The nature before me

Displayed your patient love,
Slow and careful the sun

Rose over glistening sea,

Awakening life’s dance

And me in its current

Unable to move,

Held fast by revelation.

The memory will fade

Though I etch it upon

The mind at that moment clear,

Exposed by the light

And found wanting,

Yet wholly free of fear,

The chains of the day broken

And I, your willing captive.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Between us such a tender thread
Spun of Holy Spirit pure
Connecting that which is unseen
Inside our mortal souls
With that which has the power to call
What now is not as though it were
To bring about a greater good
In lives laid down as sacrifice,
For the sake of full surrender
To profound truth absolute -
One love growing, ever new.