Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Everything Speaks

The trees have a message,
“Stand tall and firm,
Be green and alive
From your roots far below,
Reaching out farther
The more that you grow.”

The sky has a message,
“Look up and breathe,
Be aware of all life
As the winds blow, unseen,
Refreshing and stirring,
Delivering, free.”

The birds have a message,
"Listen, then sing!
Call out for joy in the day!
Soar upon wings
That delight in uprising,
And rest on the branches that sway.”

The earth has a message,
“Remember, you’re small
Compared with the One who
Imagined us all!
Be conscious of infinite
Space, chance, and time -
Keep this perspective always in mind.”

The rocks have a message,
“Stay grounded and strong,
Let the waters rain over your form,
Be still and unchanging
In adverse conditions,
Remaining unmoved through each storm.

Everything speaks!
The meaning is one,
For the messenger reveals all truth
In forms filled with beauty
Beseeching, ‘take notice!’
For therein is love’s finest proof.