Thursday, December 27, 2007

Yet Again we Start Again

Wrote this recently, looking for feedback...


For me to want to be whole
I had to forgive my brokenness
And see the finely cracked bowl
As having potential for holiness,
Keeping the living water alive,
And holding its goodness deep inside.

I’m not the person I want to be,
Though the only one making that choice is me -
From in the valley the climb looks steep,
And letting go of security
Always found in places deep
Appears the harder choice to see.

I must keep looking toward the light
And not look back on things to hide,
I will in time be turning right
Into the spirit there, alive
At the heart of even me,
Asking that it be set free.

Friday, November 30, 2007


What has been done

I can’t understand

To squander the blessing

I held in these hands…

For I’ve chased away angels,

Strangled them close,

Choked and confused them,

Left them no hope

Of rescuing normalcy

Long since remote

Or tearing down walls

That were built to denote

Self-protection and safety

From all who intrude

On perfectionist logic

Too often obtuse

And despite good intentions

All are refused

Until none but the builder

Can offer excuse.

KDC 11/07

Monday, November 26, 2007


Tired of me
Not someone else
And all the waiting
Deeply felt
Was only loss
Of time again,
Postponement of
A greater pain
That life relays
As disappointment
In ourselves
And others' gain
Becomes a waking
Slap! to retain
Perspective lost
Forever hoping
For a foothold
On the sloping
Sands of thought.

KDC 11/07

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The ULTIMATE Catch 22

Many times we find ourselves asking, "What is God's will in my life?"
We find His will in the Word, as we learn of His plan for humanity and His character.
What does the Word say about His will for us?

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you..."
"Love the Lord your God with all you heart, all your mind, and all your soul..."

So we see that His will for us, above all else, is to love Him first. He is a jealous God.

What does it mean to love God? Once again, we turn to His Word.

"If you love me, obey my commands..."

Our love for God is made manifest is obedience. We are to obey His commands as the perfect loving father.

What are His commands? From the Word...

"Love God, and love people - this sums up all the law and teachings of the prophets".

Therefore, to know God's will, we are to love Him and to love Him we are to obey His commands. To obey His commands, we are to love Him.

This is commonly known as a circular reference, or the ULTIMATE CATCH 22!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Reality vs. Fantasy

Reality is the way things really are, and fantasy is the way that we wish they were.

Most people spend a lot of time fantasizing, or escaping reality in one way or another.

The reality is that life is hard, and people have problems.

The reality is that most people really don't care about anyone but themselves.

Reality is the passage of time.

Reality is laundry, food, and work.

Reality is not generally fun.

The reality is that there are few people in life with whom we can actually identify.

The reality is that life is difficult, and the afterlife is our hope.

The reality is that we must know God in order to reach the afterlife.

Fantasy doesn't pay, it only postpones the inevitable realization of reality.

Fantasy get us nowhere, but instead keeps us standing still.

Fantasy is delusion, and delusion is evil.

Thursday, November 15, 2007



They stand like trees
In a fallen world
Blown but not bending
Yielding nothing
But protection,
Uprightly strong and true.

We admire them
From the shade below
In awe of their power
Within the storms
That seek to destroy
The greatest among the living.

I am yet a sapling,
Growing but weak,
Giving way to the wind
And feeling the sway
That too often results
From reality’s cold condition.

Still I am determined
To be an example
Of beauty for the forest,
Notable and awesome
For nothing but essence,
Nothing of my own design.
