Sunday, March 31, 2013

One Day

One day we will step outside
The confines of our shallow minds
And into outer realms of joy
Where Spirits join to become one
Dimension to expand as love,
Unending brightness all around
As laughter with a smile wins out,
Releasing all that held us down
From here to end of glory's time
Where limits don't exist in rhyme
Nor touch, nor feel, nor open eyes,
Nor how to show you truth that I
So badly want to share inside
Your heart that has been waiting for
The freedom beyond insight's door...

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Be anxious not, nor worry so,
For I dwell in your heart,
And I will calm its beating fast
With words of love and truth,
Reminding you to seek me out
As you give thanks in prayer,
That I would give you everything
Required for life and peace.
I am an ever-present help
In time of need for you,
Always giving all I have
To be received as free,
And even in your toughest times
If you will just be still,
I will reveal myself to you,
'Til all else becomes small.
When you perceive the love I have
For you, my child and bride,
Nothing then can trouble you           
As we walk side by side
Throughout this world I’ve overcome
No matter what it brings,
For we’re together for all time
And every burden I’ll make mine.

Friday, March 22, 2013


When the world was younger
And the days were long to fade,
Time was in our favor
Like the promises we made
In the haste of lofty visions
Born of dreams too young to wait
While the sun that set before us
Painted colors far away
From long-expected yellows,
Replacing them with grays,
And the moon at closer distance
Offered no means of escape.

Now that life is older
And the knowing weighs us down,
Time is growing shorter
As we fumble secrets found
In the loss of hopeful reaches
Where the resignation sounds
Like the tolling of a broken bell
In which the spider's webs abound,
For we have chosen thus to hear
The tune that ever comes around,
Repeating over moments lost
The disregard that we've allowed.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Gone Before

Like the clouds before the storm
Prepare the sky to fall,
And like the waves upon the shore
That smooth the sand on which we walk,
As the cold of winter tells
The trees to drop their leaves,
And like the plow that tills the soil
To ready for the seed,
You go before me, making way
That I might follow where you lead.

Like the shepherd goes ahead,
Securing pastures green,
And leads the flock beside still waters,
Safe from dangers they don’t see,
Guiding like a light in darkness,
Pointing to the promised land,
He goes in front of those who follow,
Reaching back His steady hand
When all is safe to walk beside Him,
Trusting in the path He’s planned.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Morning Song

The mockingbird sings

Like he just saw the sun

For the very first time today,

His song carries with it

A message of joy

To the mind that was drifting away

On the seas of regret

And the winds of discord

While the heart slowly whispered dismay...

But for me he exists

That I know to rejoice

In each moment of life, come what may.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Lone One

In the desert stands a tree,
All around it grains of sand
Shift with the wind
And come to rest
In teeming waves
‘Til its roots are buried,
Unable to breathe for the weight
Of the gusting, gathering crowd.

The tree stands tall,
Looks to the heavens
And sees above the host,
Clear is the sky it longs for
As it reaches, desperate
For the raining water of life
To calm the massive tide
Of accumulating disappointment.
Incapable of movement,
It lowers twisted branches
And waits for relief,
Gives up the struggle
For growth while it yields
To the need for the horde
To be masked in its shadow,
Looking toward its roots in despair.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Out of Reach

The stars are just beyond the trees,
Drawing my awareness outward,
Holding it fast with their vast promise,
And yet they are out of reach
Just like my dreams;
Ever envisioned, never touched,
For this earth on which my feet are planted
Forces me to spin within its time,
Confines the imagination to smaller things,
Demands focus on what can be seen…
Like the cat brushing its soft, black fur
Lightly against my ankles bare,
Weaving rhythmically,
Begging attention without a sound…
So the finite world distracts me
From the contemplative awe
Of reaching possibilities infinite.