Friday, August 10, 2012


For that one moment when your eyes
Are opened to His message wide,
I would feel the worst of my
Emotion broken into lies;

For that one word that speaks of hope
Placed in a God that now you know,
I would give up all I own
Or ever sought to carry home;

For that one revelation real
In which your Spirit is revealed,
I would wait a thousand years
Without a soul to find me here;

For that one understanding phrase
Uttered in these latter days,
I would pay most any cost
Or suffer even greater loss.
For such a smile from one who’s found
And stands today on solid ground,
I’d lay my very own life down
And gladly go where I am bound.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Were there never anyone
To make it real as life
I’d go on with you anyway
Alone, yet not inside,
For deep within the letting go
You reach to come abide,
Drawing out the weaker one
To follow you as guide
In the realm of purest Spirit
Where I walk beside you, right,
And anointing becomes natural
As the words you speak to write,
Taking over is allowed
And seizing me, the tide
Of waves that cover everything
You teach us by your light.