Saturday, April 27, 2013


 You'll have to feel your way through

 The fear to freedom's side,

Allowing that I love you

On levels beyond high,

And standing on this solid ground

You'll know to take the leap

When I have spoken softer words

For you in mind to keep.

You'll have to risk surrendering

And trust me to protect

The part of you I made to be

Responsive to neglect -

Your innocence was taken

By the force of others' will,

But I am God of what should be

And I'll restore you still.


Sunday, April 14, 2013


Take my heart,
This ship at sea,
And firmly steer the oars,
Providing breath
To fill the sails
O’er gently rolling swells.

Guide my way
By truest light
On steady course to you
Who shows the path
Through stormy night
And all that threatens harm.
Keep me steadfast
On this keel,
No list to right nor left,
On par to reach
The promised shore
Where life abundant rests.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Set Back

Lies that we’ve believed before
Are harder to resist,
For when they knock upon the door
To give a traitor’s kiss,
We think to open wide enough
To take a better look,
Still, unable to call their bluff,
We’ll take the bait and hook.

So familiar are the words
That we don’t want to hear,
We fail to see they prey upon
The deepest of our fears,
For truth not spoken out of love
Might also be deceit
When the fruit it offers us
Is judgment and defeat.

Yet tempting these untruths can be
Considering the source,
For once we took them honestly
As love’s corrective force,
Though now we’ve learned just who we are
And purpose to forgive,
We still must bear the hateful scars,
On hearts set free to live.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This is natural,
Being here,
Where pieces fit
Serving purpose
Without trying -
Destiny reached,
No will to err
In pleasing other
Than the source
Of all reason
To exist.

This is simple,
To be here,
Where all are content
Serving purpose
Without complaint –
None greater,
None less,
No egos to argue
For power
Over others
Under reason
To exist.