Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Universal Language

There is a language spoken

‘Round the Earth

For those who stop to hear;

The signs exist for all the senses,

Though too seldom we draw near

Enough to slow the pace of life

To what was once intended here

When this great language of creation

Was the music to all ears.

Communicated without words,

It resonates within

The hearts and souls

Of those who seek

The source of all that is…

‘Til in that moment we perceive

And we are one with Him,

A part of legend, every one,

Spoken to exist.


  1. When the mind chatter stops and I begin to listen, I am amazed how my prayers have been answered. Thank You! JDA

  2. I really like this one because it came to me as I was riding my bike home from a gorgeous sunset at Lake Washington. Being still before Him, we can't help but to know He is GOD.
