Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Way we Are


I’d settle you inside a box,
Attach a heavy safety lock,
Sure to lose the key in time
I’d give up hope and never find
A way to take you out again
To trust in how the heart can mend.

I trapped you like you said I would,
Assumed that you were far from good,
For I had made the worst mistake
In trusting you to help me make
The most of what I came to need
Beyond the time it took to grieve.

I never could have guessed that you
Would not conform to who I knew
When once we promised it would last
Although it happened far too fast
For one as insecure as I
In terms of how we made love die.

If it were not for greater good
You’d still be there misunderstood
And I would be consumed with fear
Not knowing change was real and near
Unlocked within surrender’s prize
Released by Him who can not lie.

KDC 6/08

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where I Go

Within the numbers there's no pain
But simple right or wrong
The black of symbols on white page
A clean and noble place to hide
From uttered words that, lacking care,
Scatter towards a target
Long since gone and buried,
Lost in computation fair.