Teach me how to
make your Spirit
Strong in me like
wind,Pushing over waves against the shore,
And make it shine as bright as day
Reflecting on the sea
That I might show your glory ever more.
Teach me where your
words are hidden
Deep within my heart,Rising to the surface in my need,
And let them fill my mind and mouth
‘Til nothing else remains,
That I might ever help to feed your sheep.
Lord, teach me how
to rise above
The curse of what I
feel,Swelling to an upsurge in my tears,
And in that weakness you be strong
Inside me that I know
The touch of Love engulfing every fear.
Please teach me how
to live this life
Gliding as on wings,Searching out with confidence your face,
And soaring high above the world
To overcome with you,
I pray that I might dwell within your grace.