I’ll choose to take my mind back home
To this enlightened place
Where God resides and I am called
To rest within His grace,
Where lack of obligation
Brings me peace as I unwind
In the wonder of His presence
For the brain yet undefined.
The longing’s overwhelming
To return from whence I come,
At spirit’s deepest level
To unite with truth and love
Until I’m filled with ecstasy
And fear I might explode
With all that’s good and every right
Here found in God alone.
I’d wish to dwell forever here
If only it could be,
For when surrendered in this form
The mind begins to see
That God is all there is
And all that we could ever need
When faced with evil in this life
The mind can not believe.
KDC 12/08
It does a wonderful job of resonating with the season.