Monday, February 4, 2008

A Recent Poem


This is the thorn
That was given to me
To pierce the lie of vanity
And keep me searching day by day
To find the truth, the life, the way.

The goal is not to rid me of
This twisted way of viewing love,
Instead to make me humble as
The one who keeps me coming back
To find the straight and narrow path.

KDC 12/07


  1. So wonderful to see your words here again!
    this is such a tight piece, so closed and clenched. It makes me hold my breath!
    peace my friend, peace

  2. This poem was designed to look at the "up side" of the thorns in the flesh with which we all struggle. Some may be inclined towards gambling, some towards alcohol, some towards smoking, some towards sexual deviance. Whatever the case, these thorns keep us humble. Knowing our frailty in the face of temptation designed to trap and enslave us keeps us depending on God for the strength to resist, and that is a good thing!
