Thursday, March 12, 2015


In the rise of the sun,
In the colors of day,
In the victories won,
In the freedom to pray ,
In the promise of life,
In the mercy of death,
In the reaching of heights,
In the searching for depth,
In the laugh of a child,
In the wonder of birth,
In the melodies mild,
In the flowering earth,
In the beauty of love,
In the power of faith,
In the heavens above,
In the joy that awaits…
May we find hope.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Taking it in, my soul expands,
For here is everything you are,
Wrapped in the gift we call 'ocean',
Enormous and immeasurable,
Diving deeper and reaching farther
Than we imagine,
Completely alive throughout
And holding secrets beyond us,
Beautiful and delicate,
Powerful and massive,
Offering art for our enjoyment,
Delivering gifts to shores that show our feet
How to walk in reverence,
And all the while speaking
In the universal languages
Of movement, balance, and reflected light
To bid us... "Come and See"...